My Thoughts On
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
computers and bossy folk
Monday, July 26, 2010
5 years clear
now .. my idea to celebrate was a cake in the shape of a womb, possibly with a fire cracker placed in the ovary like a candle (figured it would b both symbolic and get the celebrations off with a bang)... i thought it was a cute idea...(and i figured we could cut into it with more precision and skill than the surgeon had)... my boys however think this might be a rather gross, sick "mum are you insane!!!" kind of idea, siiigh no sense of fun huh,
now given that 5 years ago i threatened them that i was going to bring the womb back in a pickle jar as a visual aid for a sex education talk with them, you'd of thought that they would be used to my sense of humor by now huh
just imagine.
"so sons .. this is where your sperm enters the womb past this rather nibbled at cervix.. (yes that thing that looks like mice have been nibbling at the edges of ).. into this area .. the womb.. (yes sorry its partially decomposing and kinda necrotic but imagine it fresh)...any way, from here it starts its magical journey to find an egg.. which is released from here this ovary ..(well ok this bloody pulp that used to be an ovary) the egg travels down this fallopian tube (just kinda ignore the missing section, fer some reason she left part of the tube in me, were not sure why) any way.. around about here (in the missing part of the tube) the egg gets fertilized by your sperm then they travel down to this part of the womb .. see sons? look carefully.. do you see all that area there ??? boys come back im not finished the talk yet ... what are you doing with that bucket?... ohh do stop screaming"
needless to say i didnt follow through on the threat ... but i think it would of been really, really cool
their reaction to that idea was pretty much the same reaction as im getting to my cake idea ....
one even went so far as to suggest we have a nice cherry filled cake instead ... i didnt have heart to mention that a "cherry" cake was possibly even more wildly inappropriate than my idea was. (certainly not for a 5 year anniversary)
so what do you think best ? .. womb shaped cake with fire cracker ovary? .... or a plain cherry cake?
Monday, July 19, 2010
1. If you could spend the rest of your life doing only one thing, what would that be? writing best seller novels perhaps ;-) ? nah seriously finding a cure for bipolar (not for me so much as for those that dont want it) oh you meant things im actually capable of ?sleeping count?

3. What household chore is your least favorite? ill go with the all of them answers... other than that washing down my dragon collection is a massive pain in the ass damn things are dust magnets
(and here's some i made earlier)

(actually seeing as they are a flour/plaster mix can i use it for the baking question too i wonder)
4. If you could bring three things to a deserted island, what would they be? can the things be people? stephen fry for company and conversation johnny depp for something else entirely and a life time supply of paper.
if people dont count.. life time supply of coffee.. life time supply of smokes.. and the life time supply of paper

6. Post a current photo, if you wish to be elusive, and abstract of closeup will do just fine..... i hate my photo being taken i have very few snap shots my profile pic with the hat is about the most current..
(looking for a more recent one as we speak)
(dont suppose this is recent enough?)
8. If you could have ANY pet EVER, what/who would it be? Realistically? iv had so many odd pets its difficult to pick.. if the choice were to be one iv not yet owned .. a black panther
Unrealistically? a dragon
1. Who is your favorite musician/band and why? hmm my tastes are kinda varied and who i like pretty much depends on my mood... for overall versatility i guess id have to go with marillion... because no matter my mood they generally have something appropriate
3. What has been your biggest letdown lately?
4. Worse job you have ever had and why? sculpting "blanks" for a gardening company... hired me for creativity and imagination but kept wanting me to do bloody boring inane standard shit "ivy leaves? frigging ivy leaves and you kidding me???"
6. Guilty pleasures? Spill. buying art/craft supplies
7. The last argument you had with someone - what was it about? my fellas father... pretty much told him he was a pretentious, pompass over bearing bully, and a control freak who didnt scare me in the slightest
(i was nice enough to dedicated a poem to him though)
second pass over the horses ass
the bridge ruins lay bathed in darkness. dark shadows dance across the stagnant waters below.
crumbling stone fall into the shallows
splashing stank stains onto the horses ass carved into the stone
beyond the horizon the heather grows
awaiting the sunrise and all it bestows
free from refrain in the wind thats blown
and in the distance the sound of the solitary phone
(scratching your head?.. surname bridge)
8. What would be something you would NEVER do, even if someone paid you a shit ton of money? .... pretend to be some ones friend
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Bob Marley Music Code
reclusive reflections
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...
your probably adequately medicated
a failure to
bipolaroid moment
bipolar people are NOT paranoid... something is out to get us
a joke that caught my eye
In the cemetery I saw 4 men carrying a coffin round and round. 3hrs later I saw the same men with the same coffin and thought to myself they've obviously lost the plot
Awoke on this fine morning to the clamor of the day
i stepped in side my living room and wished id run away
As I looked around the devastation, the chaos and debris
I heard five guilty voices… their pleas “it wasn’t me”
Well heck… I guess I slept so sound last night… I guess I didn’t know
A localized hurricane… was whipping up a blow
Sweet hubby with his blatant charm, offered to set it right
It doesn’t matter... I smiled sweetly, you still get non tonight
All day I had to listen, to the repetition of his woe
I murmured placating comments… as I thought where he could go
He actually tried conversing with all the elegance of an ape
He started sounding reasonable… guess its time to medicate
I got these pretty pink pills… to help me make it through
“But seeing as how you’re the biggest cause… should I be giving them to you”
Perhaps if he were sedated… I wouldn’t be at beck and call
Perhaps I was mistaken…
to marry a Neanderthal
who says the church no longer cares?
it's true they do care how sweet
another joke from the Julie Sneddon bumper book of fun
(i hope she doesnt demand royalties for me posting them here)
Daffy Duck on a dirty weekend calls reception & asks for condoms-receptionist asks "will i put them on your bill sir?" Daffy replies, dont be thuckin stupid il thuffocate!
bipolaroid moment
every day is a new opportunity to fly to greater heights or alternatively crap yer self in fear depending on which phase your in
hmmm where do i sign up ?
Granny and Grandad sitting at the breakfast table. Granny says "oh my nipples are hot" Grandad says "course they are one's in your coffee others in your fucking porridge
reclusive reflections
fear of people (social phobia) is not in actual fact a phobia nor a sign of insanity .. its proof of sanity after all have you ever read the news papers or a history book????????
and to grey fred thanks so much for informing me what tossed salad was code for, i can no longer look at a bowl of the stuff in quite the same way again
So I said to my Gym instructor "Can you teach me to do the splits?" she said, "How flexible are you?" I said, "I can't make Tuesdays"
How many people with Bipolar Disorder does it take to change a light bulb?
By chatobstewart
One dammit and if you ask that stupid question again i’m stuff the dam thing down your…… Oh I’m sorry I did not mean that please I’m sorry…
(my own answer is usually None cuz who gives a fuck)
is there a reward????
went to the doctors with hearing problems,the doctor asked me to describe my symptoms,so i said "homers a fat yellow git and marge has got blue hair"
and just to add a little cuteness to the whole thing we have the following photo for all you pet lovers out there
and i thought i suffered from anxiety disorder
reclusive reflections
i don't have social phobia, i don't fear going out there amongst "them" in the slightest, until some evil sod makes me leave the house
The Top Ten Reasons that you might have Bi-polar disorder
10. You think Robin Williams should Perk Up.
9. You think of death as an interesting alternative
8. You think going to bed on Monday and getting up on Friday is a good rest.
7. What do you mean you're tired—I had only 3 orgasms!
6. You can not remember the number 7.
5 You know the names of at least three antidepressants and fifteen
mood stabilizers.
4 You need to employ some one to hold a gun to your head just to get some shit done
3 You bring your own research to the doctor's.
2 You think a drive from Vancouver, BC to Miami is something to do
in four days.
And the Number One reason you may be Bipolar is:
1 Last night you understood the secrets to the universe and this
morning you are contemplating whether the jam goes on top of the
peanut butter or under it.
A transistors with mood disorders?
guessing it tells you to piss off if the down load fails